Check out our pipe flashes and rubber roof jacks for metal buildings

Rubber Roof Jack

Part #Temperature RangePipe SizeBase DIMWeight Each
HW-1000-65°F to +212°F1/4″ -1 1/2″4 1/2″.17#
HW-1001-65°F to +212°F1 1/2″-4″8″.50#
HW-1002-65°F to +212°F4 1/4″-6″11″.95#
HW-1003-65°F to +212°F6″-11″14″1.55#
HW-1004-65°F to +212°F7″-13″17″2.56#
HW-1046-100°F to +437°F1/4″-4″8″.50#
HW-1047-100°F to +437°F4 1/4″-7″11″.95#
HW-1048-100°F to +437°F7″-13″17″2.56#
HW-1049-100°F to +437°F10″-18″25″3.86#

Retrofit Rubber Roof Jack

Part #Temperature RangePipe SizeBase DIM.Weight Each
HW-1005-65°F to +212°F1/4″-4″8 3/16″.74#
HW-1006-65°F to +212°F4″-9 1/4″14 1/4″2.20#
HW-1007-65°F to +212°F9 1/4″-16 1/4″21 1/2″3.78#
HW-1060-100°F to +437°F1/2″-4″8 3/16″.74#
HW-1061-100°F to +437°F4″-9 1/4″14 1/4″2.20#
HW-1062-100°F to +437°F9 1/4″-16 1/4″21 1/2″3.78#